Syndicated Blog

Security Through Education
A free learning resource from Social-Engineer, LLC
safe practices for online shopping

Safe Practices for Online Shopping: Guarding Against Bad Actors

Online shopping has revolutionized the way we purchase goods, offering convenience and accessibility like never before. However, with these benefits […] ...
Emotional Triggers in Social Engineering Attacks

Unmasking Emotional Triggers in Social Engineering Attacks

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Have you ever received a message like this? “Your account has been compromised,” “your package could not be delivered,” “you […] ...
ethical social engineering

Ethical Social Engineering: A Force for Good

Here at Social-Engineer, LLC we define social engineering (SE) as “the act of influencing someone to take an action that […] ...
Understanding SMiShing

Understanding SMiShing

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In the digital age, as our reliance on technology deepens, so does the creativity of malicious actors seeking to exploit […] ...
Should You Trust Your Intuition?

Should You Trust Your Intuition?

Would you hire an employee based solely on Intuition? Probably not. You would consider factors such as their education and […] ...
Gearing up for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Gearing up for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

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Throughout my years at Social-Engineer, LLC, I have had the pleasure of giving speeches for many different companies. This has […] ...
Watch Out for These Summer Break Scams

Watch Out for These Summer Break Scams

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, so do the schemes of cybercriminals looking to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Whether you’re […] ...
When Pretext Meets Reality

When Pretext Meets Reality

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I take a sip of my coffee and put on my headset, I’m ready to start my workday. A large […] ...
Concession in Social Engineering

Concession in Social Engineering

You’re sitting at home when you receive a call from a charity you’ve donated to in the past. They explain […] ...
a beginner's take on social engineering

A Beginner’s Take on Social Engineering – Part 1

I’ll be honest, I never expected to see myself here… I’ve looked for well over a year at positions within […] ...

Application Security Check Up