Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 8/30/24

Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 8/30/24

Insight #1: North Korean IT spies The threat of state-sponsored cyber espionage is real and evolving. Recent reports reveal North Korean IT professionals are using stolen identities and advanced tactics to infiltrate ...
Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 7/19/24

Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 7/19/24

Insight #1 It's been a while since I reminded everyone that one of the single greatest controls to implement to prevent account compromise is multifactor authentication (MFA). Do it today! ...
Authy Breach Impact & RockYou 2024 Password Leak

Authy Breach: What It Means for You, RockYou 2024 Password Leak

In episode 338, we discuss the recent breach of the two-factor authentication provider Authy and its implications for users. We also explore a massive password list leak titled ‘Rock You 2024’ that ...
Key Differences Between Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Key Differences Between Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

| | 2fa, cx, MFA
Two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication are often used interchangeably; however, that’s not the case. Both authentication methods aim to strengthen security protocols and fortify security, but they differ. With this blog, let’s ...

Application Security Check Up