Marketing InSecurity Podcast: Batsh*t Crazy – The First Cryto Wars, Stoner Bike Messengers and the End of Cold Storage
Brian Spector, Chief Product and Strategy Officer, Qredo
A throwback to the early days of RSA all the way to the wild west of today’s Cryptocurrency craze with Brian Spector. Brian is the founder of Qredo, a disruptive and ambitious startup disrupting what he calls the “Batsh*t” crazy world of crypto-asset storage. (Disclaimer – I am on Qredo’s advisory board)
Brian has been doing cryptography and security related jobs since the days of the first Crypto war between the NSA and RSA over the “Clipper Chip”.
Brian talks about everything from the 200 person RSA conference (#2, he missed #1) with Grandmaster Flash performing to the wild west of the exploding Crypto/Distributed economy and the value of experience in marketing in this new world. Along the way, you’ll learn about the strange world of Cold Storage of crypto-assets and what an asset custodian needs to do. Brian is always entertaining and never boring! Enjoy.
Brian recommends Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore, by the way, who doesn’t?, and that if you are interested in cryptocurrency products and markets that you listen to Laura Shin’s Unchained podcast.
You can find Brian at @BSpector on Twitter and here on LinkedIn. Learn more about Qredo at