How to Bring DevOps and Security Teams Closer Together

More often than not, there seems to be friction between DevOps and security teams. Despite having the same end goals of creating the most secure code and preventing any potential security pitfalls, these groups of professionals often lack the unity needed to accomplish these end goals effectively and efficiently.

In the interview below, Naomi Buckwalter, director of information security and IT at Beam Technologies, addresses this issue and outlines key ways development and security teams can come together to better accomplish their shared missions. She stresses the importance of security professionals reaching out a hand to their DevOps counterparts to teach them how to be security-forward when writing code. However, she highlights how not every security expert has a developer background, so it really takes these two groups of skilled tech specialists working in unison to fill those knowledge gaps for each other.

Naomi brings over 20 years of IT and security experience to her upcoming session “Six Things Developers Want From InfoSec,” at DevOps Connect 2021, during the RSA Conference. She will expand on some of the key topics discussed in this interview during her talk on May 19 at 4 p.m. EDT.

To see the full agenda and secure your free spot at the virtual event, visit the DevOps Connect website.


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