11 Ways ArmorCode Helps AppSec Teams

As software release cycles accelerate, security teams lack visibility into the growing application inventory and often find themselves unable to filter the overwhelming number of software vulnerabilities, findings and alerts that are generated from siloed and disconnected scanners across the development pipeline. This puts security and development professionals at a severe disadvantage.

To secure their application environments, organizations need insight, agility and collaboration so they can take more informed actions, holistically assess their security posture, cut out manual, repetitive tasks and enjoy better relationships between security and development teams, reduced friction and faster remediation. ArmorCode enables all of this and more.

In fact, ArmorCode addresses the biggest pain points organizations experience with regard to their security posture. Here are 11 of the biggest issues AppSec teams face and how ArmorCode helps address them.

Incomplete view of risk

It can be difficult to get a comprehensive view of your risk when data is scattered across different point solutions. But with 160+ integrations across applications, infrastructure, cloud and container scanning tools, ArmorCode creates a holistic view of your entire software security posture in a unified platform.

Manually correlating issues in spreadsheets

If you spend hours manually correlating issues from different security tools into spreadsheets, it’s difficult to scale identifying and fixing vulnerabilities. ArmorCode ingests, normalizes, de-dupes and correlates findings from your security tools, saving hours of manual efforts trying to group and associate different alerts–time that can be spent on higher-value AppSec tasks.

AppSec and Infrastructure Silos

The usual silos that exist between AppSec and infrastructure security teams lead to dropped balls and conflicting work. The ArmorCode AppSecOps platform unifies AppSec and infrastructure vulnerability management in one platform, so teams have the same view and can work together more easily. Armorcode streamlines vulnerability aggregation and enables teams to easily map vulnerabilities to assets. 


Lack of context

Security data from any given security scanner lacks context of the broader ecosystem and organization, so prioritizing issues is extremely difficult for AppSec teams. But by unifying AppSec and infrastructure vulnerability management in one platform, ArmorCode associates findings with threat intelligence and business context with its Adaptive Risk Scoring to help teams accurately prioritize critical issues.

Keeping pace with the rate of change

Security and AppSec teams often struggle to keep pace with the speed of application development and releases, especially in DevOps-driven SDLCs. By cutting out manual triage efforts (bulk handling, risk prioritization) and correlating and managing vulnerabilities across apps and infrastructure in one workflow, security can stay on top of new releases from developers and keep up with the accelerating rate of change.

Workflow friction 

Collaboration with developers is often full of friction–especially when AppSec teams try to introduce remediation requirements without consideration of developers’ existing workflows. ArmorCode’s bi-directional Jira integration–along with other DevOps and developer systems integrations–enables teams to automate and orchestrate remediation processes between security and developer teams. That means the right issues make their way to the right people in their preferred workflows with the right context. This reduces friction and creates a better developer experience.

Slow remediation times

Without the right visibility and tools, remediation times are slow, and remediation SLAs are not being met. ArmorCode’s streamlined and automated workflows enhance AppSec teams’ efficiency in closing out vulnerabilities, helping developers get to issues faster and ensuring they have all the context and guidance needed to take action.

ArmorCode also tracks SLAs in its dashboards, giving leadership an at-a-glance understanding of SLAs across teams and products.

Coverage and usage gaps

There’s often no clear way to tell which tools an organization has are most effective, how widely adopted they are by the organization or what coverage they have across the environment. ArmorCode integrates with your security ecosystem so you can see coverage gaps and overlaps, when tools were last used and how widely they’ve been adopted by your organization so you can ensure you’re maximizing the value of your security tooling.

Asset discovery

Security teams see alerts, not a clear, holistic picture of the application environment. As such, they can’t tell which repos are dead/inactive, for example, and that means they send low-fidelity requests to developers. ArmorCode ingests findings across the entire environment to create a clear, detailed picture of coverage and usage. That enables security teams to accurately assess which alerts and findings are most relevant. 

Repetitive, manual tasks

Many processes require repetitive manual tasks, like pinging a developer three times on an open ticket before escalation can happen. ArmorCode automates repetitive workflows to reduce the manual load for security and AppSec teams. With Runbooks, teams can set up automated steps for processes like ticket escalation or changing the severity of alerts and findings from certain tools.


Reporting to the board and to leadership is a painful, manual process of data aggregation and summation across tools. ArmorCode automatically aggregates, normalizes and de-dupes data from across your security tooling into digestible dashboards and reporting so your teams can easily deliver findings to leadership.

ArmorCode enables AppSec and security teams to secure their application environments at the speed of modern software development, all within the existing security and developer tooling investments they’ve already made. If you want to learn more about AppSec, security and how ArmorCode is helping solve security’s biggest pain points, don’t miss AppSecCon, June 28-29, 2023.

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Josh Dreyfuss

Josh Dreyfuss is director of product marketing at ArmorCode.

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Application Security Check Up