Social Engineering

Social Engineering

WebAssembly: The Fly on the Wall Delivering Malware Past Secure Web Gateways

WebAssembly: The Fly on the Wall Delivering Malware Past Secure Web Gateways

‘Last Mile Reassembly Attacks’ evade every Secure Web Gateway in the market and deliver known malware to the endpointAt DEF CON 32, SquareX presented groundbreaking research curating vulnerabilities in Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) ...

DTEX i³ Threat Advisory Reveals Growing Risk of Credential Abuse by Outside Adversaries

In today’s digital age, where the line between personal and professional life is increasingly blurred, the storage of corporate credentials on personal accounts has emerged as an attractive vector for outside adversaries ...
A pig in a muddy farm field

Pig Butchering at Heart of Bank Failure — CEO Gets 24 Years in Jail

Oink, oink, FAIL—you’re in jail: Kansas bank chief exec Shan Hanes stole money from investors, a church and others to buy cryptocurrency to feed a scam ...
Security Boulevard
safe practices for online shopping

Safe Practices for Online Shopping: Guarding Against Bad Actors

Online shopping has revolutionized the way we purchase goods, offering convenience and accessibility like never before. However, with these benefits […] ...
attacks, deepfake, AI, security, deepfake, vishing, businesses, deepfake, misinformation, AI, deepfake technology

The Golden Age of Impersonation: The Dual Role of AI in Cyber Attacks & Cyber Defense    

Attacks today can be executed through a myriad of communication channels, including emails, social media and mobile applications.   ...
Security Boulevard
Misconfiguration Manager: Overlooked and Overprivileged- Duane Michael & Chris Thompson[SO-CON 2024]

Life at SpecterOps: The Red Team Dream

TL;DRWe are hiring consultants at various levels. The job posting can be found under the Consultant opening here: there! I’m Duane Michael, a Managing Consultant and red teamer at SpecterOps. Over ...
Teach a Man to Phish

Teach a Man to Phish

PHISHING SCHOOLA Decade of Distilled Phishing WisdomI decided to give away all of my phishing secrets for free. I realized at some point that I have been giving away phishing secrets for years, ...
Office Worker

Unmasking the Sophisticated: How AI-Powered Defenses Thwart Advanced Phishing Attacks

Attackers are constantly refining their techniques for advanced phishing attacks to exploit the trust inherent in our digital systems. A recent incident we’ve captured highlights the alarming sophistication of modern phishing attempts, ...
identity, verification, FireTail digital identity decentralized Entitle API identity credential theft

The Essential Guide to Evaluating Competitive Identity Verification Solutions

Amid customer and regulatory pressure and intensifying cyberattacks, organizations must ensure their identity verification strategies match up against AI-powered fraud techniques ...
Security Boulevard

Application Security Check Up