Google Chrome 3rd Party Cookies Crumbling — Finally!
Richi Jennings | | Chrome, cookie, cookies, FLoC, google, omnomnomnomnomnomcookie, Privacy, Privacy Sandbox, SB Blogwatch, Topics, tracking cookies
Om Nom Nom Nom Nom: Privacy Sandbox inching towards reality. But concerns remain ...
Security Boulevard
Facebook/Google use Dark Patterns in Cookie Consent—says France, Waving $240M Fines
Richi Jennings | | CNIL, ePrivacy, facebook, france, GDPR, google, Meta, omnomnomnomnomnomcookie, Privacy, SB Blogwatch, tracking cookies
Yes, the French are revolting (again): France plans to hit Google and Facebook/Meta with $240 million in fines (€210M) ...
Security Boulevard
Apple Safari Leaks Cookies, so ‘Russia-Backed’ Hackers Attack Targets
Apple’s under fire yet again for iOS security bugs in WebKit—the code behind the Safari browser ...
Security Boulevard