Meta Sued for Ignoring its Underage Kids Problem (Because Money)
Richi Jennings | | child, child identity theft, child online privacy, Child Online Safety, Child protection, Child Safety, child security online, children, children online, Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), children's privacy, Coppa, facebook, Instagram, Meta, online safety for children, Privacy, privacy children, Rights of Children, Safety Of Children, SB Blogwatch, Won’t somebody think of the children?
Don’t be square: Newly-unsealed COPPA suit says Zuck’s mob knows full well there are loads of users under the age of 13, but did nothing ...
Security Boulevard
Malware Debugs Itself to Prevent Analysis
We recently encountered a piece of malware via a tweet, which caught our eye because it appeared to be searching for folders related to our product. During analysis we discovered that this ...