Ran Levy Ran Levy is a senior Cyber Threat Intelligence team lead at Cognyte, the global leader in investigative analytics software that empowers governments and enterprises with Actionable Intelligence for a Safer World. He has over eight years of security experience and is a leading expert in threat intelligence. Previously he held positions in the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) field at SenseCy Cyber Intelligence Ltd. He holds an MA in Security Studies and a BA in Political Science and Philosophy.
Ran Levy
The Rise of Generative AI is Transforming Threat Intelligence – Five Trends to Watch
Ran Levy | | Cybersecurity, Data leak, GenAI, generative AI, Ransomware, Threat Intelligence, trends
As threats increase in sophistication—in many cases powered by GenAI itself—GenAI will play a growing role in combatting them ... Read More
Security Boulevard
Shodan: Still the Scariest Search Engine on the Internet?
In April of 2013, CNN introduced the world to Shodan, a search engine for internet-connected devices, by publishing an article titled, Shodan: The scariest search engine on the Internet. CNN described how Shodan was used to find vulnerabilities: “… control systems for a water park, a gas station, a hotel ... Read More
Security Boulevard