Internet Backbone Giant Lumen Shuns .RU

Internet Backbone Giant Lumen Shuns .RU

Lumen Technologies, an American company that operates one of the largest Internet backbones and carries a significant percentage of the world's Internet traffic, said today it will stop routing traffic for organizations ...
What Happened to Facebook, Instagram, & WhatsApp?

What Happened to Facebook, Instagram, & WhatsApp?

Facebook and its sister properties Instagram and WhatsApp are suffering from ongoing, global outages. We don't yet know why this happened, but the how is clear: Earlier this morning, something inside Facebook ...
Notorious ‘Hijack Factory’ Shunned from Web

Notorious ‘Hijack Factory’ Shunned from Web

Score one for the good guys: Bitcanal, a Portuguese Web hosting firm long accused of helping spammers hijack large swaths of dormant Internet address space over the years, was summarily kicked off ...

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