Article from MIT Technology Review -- How existential risk became the biggest meme in AI

Paperclip Maximizers, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Stupidity

Existential risk from AISome believe an existential risk accompanies the development or emergence of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Quantifying the probability of this risk is a hard problem, to say nothing of calculating the probabilities of the many non-existential risks that may merely delay civilization's progress. AI systems as we ... Read More
The End of Our Dog Era

The End of Our Dog Era

| | death, Dogs, life, Personal
 "That's the end of our Joplin era," my wife said to my oldest daughter.We were still crying and wiping our tears.I didn't say it out loud, but I thought "That was the end of our dog era,"We'd just returned to the car from the vet's office where the three of ... Read More
Aretha Franklin - Think (feat. The Blues Brothers) - 1080p Full HD

Overcoming our “bossypants” bias

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
This is the fifth post in a series of posts inspired by reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. We've previously looked at some of Sandberg's evidence That women are underrepresented in positions of power and leadershipHow lack of confidence contributes to the issueHow decisions about having children play ... Read More

Other thoughts from Lean In

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
My previous posts in this series have touched on the core issues that Sheryl Sandberg addresses in her book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. If you're interested in these issues, I encourage you to read the book and read the criticism as well.In this post I want ... Read More
Beyoncé - ***Flawless ft. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

What’s the cause of the problem part two

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
This is the fourth post in a series of posts inspired by reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Previously we discussed lack of confidence as one of the causes that Sandberg cites for the lack of women in leadership roles. Another reason she gives is pregnancy and ... Read More
Demi Lovato - Confident (Official Video)

What’s the Cause of the Problem?

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
This is the third post in a series of posts inspired by reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. In the previous post, I shared some of the statistics from Sandberg's book and other sources that show that women are underrepresented in leadership and technical roles. Even ... Read More
Beyoncé - Formation (Official Video)

The Problem is the People, but Which People?

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
In my second job out of college, my boss' boss would often say, "Wherever you go there's always a problem and the problem is always the people." I wondered to myself, "Yeah, but which people?"In my previous post in this series, I recounted how reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, ... Read More
Taylor Swift - marjorie (Official Lyric Video)

Lean In for Yourself

| | Leadership, Lean In, management
Small family farming is a labor intensive way to go broke. When I was young I spent some weeks each summer with my grandparents. As farmers and cattle ranchers, my grandparents scratched out an existence. My grandpa was up before dawn feeding cattle and out working fields of corn, milo, sorghum, soybeans, ... Read More

RIP Grant W. Dotson — A dear friend

It's been a rough day. About 18 months ago a friend of mine from high school posted a Go FundMe on Facebook for a mutual friend who was battling cancer. This mutual friend was someone I'd been very close to in elementary and middle school. As happens, we remained friends, but ... Read More

Hunting injected processes by the modules they keep

A relatively recent post showed how Metasploit's Meterpreter module made some noise on endpoints when the migrate command was used to move the agent code into a legitimate process, spoolsv.exe in our example.One of the things we saw in that post was that when the agent migrates, it uses commonplace ... Read More

Application Security Check Up