Orange Spain Outage: BGP Traffic Hijacked by Threat Actor

In a recent cybersecurity incident, Orange Spain faced a significant internet outage on January 3, 2024. A threat actor, going by the name ‘Snow,’ exploited vulnerabilities in the company’s RIPE account. The ...
The Internet is Held Together With Spit & Baling Wire

The Internet is Held Together With Spit & Baling Wire

Imagine being able to disconnect or redirect Internet traffic destined for some of the world's largest companies -- just by spoofing an email. This is the nature of a threat vector recently ...
What Happened to Facebook, Instagram, & WhatsApp?

What Happened to Facebook, Instagram, & WhatsApp?

Facebook and its sister properties Instagram and WhatsApp are suffering from ongoing, global outages. We don't yet know why this happened, but the how is clear: Earlier this morning, something inside Facebook ...

Suspicious network resurrections

***UPDATE** Dec 1st 2020: A big thank you to Telia Carrier, Hurricane Electric and GTT for taking swift and positive action in shutting down the related announcements.* We believe there is a ...

Using Machine Learning to Detect IP Hijacking

This is interesting research: In a BGP hijack, a malicious actor convinces nearby networks that the best path to reach a specific IP address is through their network. That's unfortunately not very ...

Network hijacking – the low down

Network hijacking involves the announcing or re-routing of Internet protocol (IP) addresses without authorization from the owner of those addresses. When hijacking is done intentionally, it is usually for some type of ...
Image Credit:   BGP Stream  . Image is the graphical representation of the in-process   BGP redirection attack   emanating and under the control of the People’s Republic of China on 2018/12/28.

ARTEMIS: Targets BGP Hijacks

Image Credit: BGP Stream. Image is the graphical representation of the in-process BGP redirection attack emanating and under the control of the People’s Republic of China on 2018/12/28. via Jeff Stone writing ...

Massive Ad Fraud Scheme Relied on BGP Hijacking

| | adware, bgp, Fraud, nsa
This is a really interesting story of an ad fraud scheme that relied on hijacking the Border Gateway Protocol: Members of 3ve (pronounced "eve") used their large reservoir of trusted IP addresses ...

Doug Madory | Shutting down the BGP Hijack Factory – Bitcanal

| | bgp, hijacking
A link to Doug Madory's "Shutting down the BGP Hijack Factory" ...

Fighting abuse at the edge

Anti-abuse at the network edge: From two tribes to one team. Take a look at org charts, international standards, conferences and forums…you will observe there are two tribes; one for the ‘network’ ...

Application Security Check Up