30,000 Dealerships Down — ‘Ransomware’ Outage Outrage no. 2 at CDK Global
Richi Jennings | | Automotive, Automotive industry, Car Dealer, CDK Global, cloud outage, cloud Saas, Downtime and outages, outage, outages, Private Equity, Ransomware, SaaS, SaaS App Security, SB Blogwatch, Software-as-a-Service, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Spend more on security! Car and truck dealers fall back on pen and paper as huge SaaS provider gets hacked (again) ...
Security Boulevard
Facebook/Insta FAIL — ‘Anonymous Sudan’ has a Super Tuesday: ‘We Did It.’
Richi Jennings | | Anonymous, Anonymous Hacking Collective, Anonymous Sudan, API Authentication, API Authentication Errors, API Authorization, Application DDoS, application-layer DDoS attacks, Cloud DDoS, cloud outage, ddos, DDoS attack, DDoS attacks, Downtime and outages, facebook, Facebook accounts, facebook breach, facebook instagram hack, facebook login, Facebook outage, Instagram, Instagram outage, instagram vulnerability, Internet outage, internet outages, InternetOutage, Meta, Meta Networks, outage, Outage Investigation, outages, SB Blogwatch, Storm-1359, Stupidity of Instagram, Threads
Shooper Choosday: Was yesterday’s Meta outage outrage caused by a Russian DDoS? ...
Security Boulevard
Microsoft Repeatedly Burned in ‘Layer 7’ DDoS
Richi Jennings | | Anonymous, Anonymous Hacking Collective, Anonymous Sudan, Application DDoS, application-layer DDoS attacks, azure, Azure cloud, Cloud DDoS, cloud outage, ddos, DDoS attack, DDoS attacks, Downtime and outages, killnet, Microsoft, Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 outage, Microsoft 365 service outage alert, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Security, Microsoft Office 365, office 365, Office 365 Cloud Security, Office 365 Security, outage, outages, SB Blogwatch, Storm-1359
Unlucky number: Time and again this month, “Russian” hackers bring down Microsoft clouds ...
Security Boulevard
The Cloud, Outages and You: Who’s Responsible for What?
Avi Aharon | | aws, cloud provider, Cloud Security, cloud security alliance, cloud uptime, Data breach, outages
Cloud security and cloud outages are real threats to companies that don’t plan accordingly For many companies, cloud service providers offer a good deal. You get unlimited computing power, storage space, access ...
Security Boulevard