Microsoft 365 service outage alert
Global Outage Outrage: CrowdStrike Security Tool Blamed
Richi Jennings | | azure, Azure cloud, cloud outage, CrowdStrike, CrowdStrike Falcon, CrowdStrike Falcon XDR, Downtime and outages, m365, Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 (365), Microsoft 365 outage, Microsoft 365 service outage alert, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Security, outage, Outage Investigation, SB Blogwatch
BSODs beyond belief: A buggy update to CrowdStrike Falcon made Windows PCs and servers crash—worldwide ...
Security Boulevard
Microsoft Repeatedly Burned in ‘Layer 7’ DDoS
Richi Jennings | | Anonymous, Anonymous Hacking Collective, Anonymous Sudan, Application DDoS, application-layer DDoS attacks, azure, Azure cloud, Cloud DDoS, cloud outage, ddos, DDoS attack, DDoS attacks, Downtime and outages, killnet, Microsoft, Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 outage, Microsoft 365 service outage alert, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Security, Microsoft Office 365, office 365, Office 365 Cloud Security, Office 365 Security, outage, outages, SB Blogwatch, Storm-1359
Unlucky number: Time and again this month, “Russian” hackers bring down Microsoft clouds ...
Security Boulevard