man in the middle attacks
‘Blast-RADIUS’ Critical Bug Blows Up IT Vacation Plans
Richi Jennings | | blast radius, collision-based-hashing-algorithm-disclosure, CVE-2024-3596, hash, hash algorithms, hash function, hash functions, Man In The Middle, man in the middle attack, man in the middle attacks, maninthemiddleattacks, md5 hash, men-in-the-middle attack, mitm, MitM Attack, mitm attacks, RADIUS, SB Blogwatch
MD5 MITM Muddle: Ancient, widely used protocol has CVSS 9.0 vulnerability ...
Security Boulevard
Revealed: Facebook’s “Incredibly Aggressive” Alleged Theft of Snapchat App Data
Richi Jennings | | Brian J. Dunne, class action, class action lawsuit, DeleteFacebook, facebook, facebook fine, free vpn app, Ghostbusters, IAPP, Man In The Middle, man in the middle attack, man in the middle attacks, Mark Zuckerberg, Meta, mitm, MitM Attack, mitm attacks, mitm tool, mitm tools, Onavo, Onavo VPN, SB Blogwatch, Snapchat, SSL Bump, VPN
Meta MITM IAAP SSL bump: Zuck ordered “Project Ghostbusters”—with criminal consequences, says class action lawsuit ...
Security Boulevard
SSH FAIL: Terrapin Attack Smashes ‘Secure’ Shell Spec
Richi Jennings | | Authentication, CBC, ChaCha20, chaves ssh, CVE-2023-48795, libSSH, Man In The Middle, man in the middle attack, man in the middle attacks, mitm, MitM Attack, mitm attack prevention, mitm attacks, openssh, OpenSSH protocol, SB Blogwatch, SSH, Terrapin
Testy Testudine: Lurking vuln in SSH spec means EVERY implementation must build patches ...
Security Boulevard
‘BrutePrint’ Unlocks Android Phones — Chinese Researchers
Richi Jennings | | android, Authentication, authentication bypass, biometric, biometric authentication, biometric security, biometrics authentication, Biometrics-Based Authentication, BrutePrint, fingerprint, Fingerprint Scanners, fingerprint scanning, fingerprint sensors, fingerprints, iot, Man In The Middle, man in the middle attack, man in the middle attacks, mitm, MitM Attack, mitm attacks, SB Blogwatch, Trusted Execution Environment
Or, at least, OLDER phones: SPI/TEE MITM FAIL ...
Security Boulevard
CISA Warns CISOs to Brace for Attacks
Nik Hewitt | | Application Security, cisa, Data Security, Digest, Malware, man in the middle attacks, NCSC, Website Supply Chain Attacks
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a United States federal agency under the oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, is urging business leaders and those responsible for digital security ...
New Bluetooth Vulnerability
Bruce Schneier | | Authentication, bluetooth, iPhone, man in the middle attacks, patching, Uncategorized, Vulnerabilities
There’s a new unpatched Bluetooth vulnerability: The issue is with a protocol called Cross-Transport Key Derivation (or CTKD, for short). When, say, an iPhone is getting ready to pair up with Bluetooth-powered ...
Interesting Attack on the EMV Smartcard Payment Standard
Bruce Schneier | | academic papers, credit cards, Fraud, man in the middle attacks, pins, point of sale, smart cards, smartphones, Uncategorized
It’s complicated, but it’s basically a man-in-the-middle attack that involves two smartphones. The first phone reads the actual smartcard, and then forwards the required information to a second phone. That second phone ...
Stopping Man-in-the-Middle Attacks With Cryptography
Shlomi Dolev | | certificate authority, encryption, identity, keyless architecture, man in the middle attacks, PKI, public-key infrastructure
Man-in-the-middle. Man-in-the-browser. IP spoofing. DNS spoofing. They’re all part of the happy family of hacks generally known as Man-in-the-middle attacks, wherein a bad actor secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between ...
Security Boulevard
Preventing Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Kristi Perdue-Hinkle | | breaches, encryption, enterprise, hacks, interception, man in the middle attacks, MIITM attack, secure communications, security
When it comes to cyber security, sometimes the jargon can feel overwhelming. Ransomware, encryption, man-in-the-middle attacks… The Vaporstream blog has covered ransomware and encryption in the past, so today I wanted to ...
Router malware worse than experts realize
Health Security Solutions | | Cybersecurity, factory reset, hardware, Malware, man in the middle attacks, passwords, router, security, VPNFilter
In May, security experts discovered one of the most widespread malware infections in history. Now, they’re warning businesses and consumers that it’s even worse than their first assessment. The VPNFilter malware poses ...