‘Blast-RADIUS’ Critical Bug Blows Up IT Vacation Plans
Richi Jennings | | blast radius, collision-based-hashing-algorithm-disclosure, CVE-2024-3596, hash, hash algorithms, hash function, hash functions, Man In The Middle, man in the middle attack, man in the middle attacks, maninthemiddleattacks, md5 hash, men-in-the-middle attack, mitm, MitM Attack, mitm attacks, RADIUS, SB Blogwatch
MD5 MITM Muddle: Ancient, widely used protocol has CVSS 9.0 vulnerability ...
Security Boulevard
China Cracks Apple Private Protocol — AirDrop Pwned
Richi Jennings | | Airdrop, Apple, Beijing Wangshendongjian, china, Chinese, Chinese Communists, Chinese drive-by attack, chinese government, Great Firewall of China, hash, hash algorithms, hash function, hash functions, hash generation, hashes, Peoples Republic of China, rainbow table, SB Blogwatch
AirDrop hashing is weaksauce: Chinese citizens using peer-to-peer wireless comms “must be identified.” ...
Security Boulevard
Amazing Fast Crypto for IoT — US NIST Fingers ASCON
Richi Jennings | | AEAD, aes, ASCON, CAESAR, cryptography, hash, hash algorithms, hash function, hash functions, Internet of things, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT) Security, Internet of Things cyber security, iot, NIST, SB Blogwatch
Implementing modern cryptography standards on tiny IoT devices is hard. They’re underpowered, need to sip battery charge and something like AES is often overkill ...
Security Boulevard
How to Prevent High Risk Authentication Coercion Vulnerabilities
Tripwire Guest Authors | | Authentication, cyberattack, Featured Articles, hash, vulnerability, Vulnerability Management
Most of us already know the basic principle of authentication, which, in its simplest form, helps us to identify and verify a user, process, or account. In an Active Directory environment, this ...
Ease Me Into Cryptography Part 1: Buzzwords and Hash Function
You know what it’s like being in security, and someone asks you what you do. Now imagine the responses when I tell people I do cryptography. And it’s not just outsiders. Even ...
Stop using MD-5, now!
TL;DR: Don't use MD-5 to identify malware samples. Believe me, it is a bad idea. Use SHA-256 or a stronger hash function.This post is dedicated to all malware researchers, still using MD-5 ...