Quantum Computing and the Risk to Classical Cryptography

Quantum Computing and the Risk to Classical Cryptography

The recent standardization of first three post-quantum cryptography (PQC) encryption and digital signature algorithms by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has officially kicked off the race to PQC ...
What Is a Cryptographic Bill of Materials or CBOM?

What Is a Cryptographic Bill of Materials or CBOM?

Cryptography is now more intertwined with software development and DevOps processes. Therefore, best practices and policies for managing elements of the cryptographic portfolio, such as PKI and certificate lifecycle management, throughout the ...
cryptography, quantum, computing, AI, DigiCert encryption,QKD quantum

NIST Releases Post Quantum Cryptography Standards

| | Federal, NIST, PQC, QKD, quantum, standards
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its first three post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards, a world-first designed to meet the threat of powerful quantum computers as well as the increasing ...
Security Boulevard
public key lengths

8 Essential Considerations for Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration

A primer on how to best prepare for the migration to PQC The United Nations has proclaimed 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology—and for good reason. Across the globe, ...
Preparing for the Quantum Leap with Hybrid Certificates

Preparing for the Quantum Leap with Hybrid Certificates

It is a widely acknowledged fact that quantum computing poses a grave threat to traditional cryptography. As we prepare for the post-quantum era, transitioning to quantum-safe cryptography is a critical action item ...
Key Lessons To Learn From Entrust Certificate Distrust

Key Lessons To Learn From Entrust Certificate Distrust

Google’s decision to distrust Entrust must not be seen solely from the point of CA failures and complacency. It is essential to take a broader look and understand the critical need for ...
Why CISOs Need to Prioritize Quantum Readiness Now

Why CISOs Need To Act On Quantum-Readiness Now

In 1994, when mathematician Peter Shor first introduced the quantum algorithm, now famously known as Shor’s algorithm, many found the concept of quantum computers wild and unreal. Fast forward to 2024, the ...
cryptography, quantum, computing, AI, DigiCert encryption,QKD quantum

DigiCert Survey Reveals Post-Quantum Cybersecurity Challenges

A DigiCert survey found most organizations unprepared to address the security implications of post-quantum computing (PQC) ...
Security Boulevard
APT AiTM quantum attacks Raspberry Robin APT29 ransomware NATO Barracuda Networks ATO Attacks

QKD: The Key to a Resilient Future

One of the most imminent and pressing threats to organizations presently is harvest now, decrypt later (HNDL) attacks. According to a recent poll, half of responding professionals at organizations considering quantum computing ...
Security Boulevard

Application Security Check Up